Why Anatolienne?

Anatolienne means Anatolia in French. Anatolian lands are so fertile and so rich that no plant cannot be grown on them. The reason for this is that six different climate types can prevail in Anatolia. Having six different climatic zones is a factor in the formation of rich endemic plant flora in biological diversity and the preservation of this structure. About 11.000 plant species, of which nearly 3.000 are endemic, grow on these fertile lands of Turkey.

If olives are grown, around 90 kinds of olive; if pears are grown, 50 kinds of pear; if grapes are grown, 60 kinds of grape are harvested. We export abroad these unique and valuable flavors grown in Anatolia where is the first place of agriculture in the world by offering great richness with its ecological diversity and we ensure the establishment of partnerships so that these flavors could be tasted all over the world.